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'I still don't care about cookies' works on almsot every website I browse.

This extension on the other hand used to work maybe on a third, don't know if it improved but I would suggest the first if you're fed up with the cookie popup.

Note "I don't care about cookies" and "I still don't care about cookies" will accept tracking if that's the easiest route to get rid of the popup, which is a significant difference to the extension in this topic.

Pair it with uBlock Origin and Firefox Enhanced Tracking protection and it doesn't matter.

I don't have a plugin for disabling the banners, but I accept them if that's the easiest thing because I can already see that uBlock Origin blocked all their trackers anyway.

I understand the shortcoming but to be fair, if a website owner wants to track you he can do it even without cookie. I appreciate the gdpr for many reasons but the cookie banner constant spam is not one of them, I believe people just want to get rid of it even if it means agreeing to everything.

It has nothing to do with cookies; the popups are about accepting any form of tracking.

> 'I still don't care about cookies'

if i recall this just closes the cookie popup

but if you want some functionality you may need to accept some basic cookie like "remember me" for logging in, etc?

this is what the extension is great for

not sure if you can use both

Sites do not need to ask for consent for a login cookie or anything else that is strictily required to provide the asked for service.

The problem is that it needs to be manually adapted to each side that doesn't have a well known cookie banner... So if you mostly visit "exotic" pages it doesn't work.

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