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Oracle designing data center powered by nuclear reactors (cnbc.com)
8 points by atomic128 8 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

From the earnings call transcript:

  Lawrence Joseph Ellison -- Chairman and Chief Technology Officer

  This race goes on forever, to build a better and better neural network. And the
  cost of that training gets to be astronomical. When I talk about building
  gigawatt or multi-gigawatt data centers, I mean these AI models, these frontier
  models are going to -- the entry price for a real frontier model from someone
  who wants to compete in that area is around $100 billion. Let me repeat, around
  $100 billion.

  Let me say something that's going to sound really bizarre. Well, you'd probably
  say, well, he says bizarre things all the time. So why is he announcing this
  one? Let's be really bizarre. So we're in the middle of designing a data center
  that's north of the gigawatt that has -- but we found the location and the
  power place.

  We've looked at it, they've already got building permits for three nuclear
  reactors. These are the small modular nuclear reactors to power the data
  center. This is how crazy it's getting. This is what's going on.

> they've already got building permits

By "permits," is he claiming he has an approved nuclear site license from the NRC? If so, where is this supposed to be happening?

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