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Why AI Is So Bad at Generating Images of Kamala Harris (wired.com)
21 points by alwillis 8 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The Chinese AI image and video models are doing superbly. It’s super interesting because they are largely uncensored compared to western models.

But they won’t touch any Chinese political issues with a 10 foot pole.

A future where nation states plant disruptive AI generation technology is at hand.

Maybe it’s something analogous to China supporting fentanyl import into the US to weaken civil society.

Because there is less training data... and order of magnitude less, as the article points out.

No need for conspiracy theories.

If Donald Trump wasn't depicted accurately I'm sure we could construct some theory that goes like:

THEY wanted Kamala to look PERFECT and Trump has the advantage of escaping deep-fakes!!!!1 something something racism.

> No need for conspiracy theories

This article is simply a submarine for the companies it quotes.


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