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acn 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite

It follows that if you just started using Fastmail, and there have been two nontrivial service outages in the past few weeks, that probably doesn't look very good.

On the other hand, I've been using Fastmail for years, and on the whole it has been very reliable.

And, at least on my end, the outage appears to be over now. :-)

You might consider giving Fastmail some more time before ditching it, but perhaps your email reliability requirements are more intense than my own.

You're probably right, that's indeed the perspective I was (maybe subconsciously) looking for as well. I should also empathize a bit, I had to debug a prod outage early Monday morning.

I think it's the fact that I was in the middle of some job-change-related communications that also gave me nerves. Generally my email reliability requirements are not very intense!

Overall I've been happy even with some of the things I've seen complaints about (Fastmail iOS app has been great for me despite mixed reviews). I'll give Fastmail more time before making a judgment.

(And indeed it looks like it's back online for me.)

I've been using Fastmail for a number of years at this point and outages are rare. Has been reliable for me but I also didn't notice the one you posted.

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