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Trump has lost $4B in Truth Social wipeout (cnn.com)
9 points by Bluestein 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Philosophically, and I suppose economically, can you lose something you never really had?

I mean essentially his trial balloon popped early and he’s not going to realize $4B of phantom gains, but he’s not really lost anything by sending up the trial balloon.

I suppose if it were any other public figure there might be realizable losses in terms of loss of reputation, but, well, c’mon.

> Philosophically, and I suppose economically, can you lose something you never really had?

Ah! A fundamental question, and, the basis of the entire economy, if you look too deep ...

Surely not the entire economy, though I’ll generally concede your point… just today I saw two women exchange the output of ones chickens for the output of the other ones knitting needles.

Good ol' barter ...

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