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Have you sat in on my conversations with my cofounder?

The end plan is to have a single chip and flush all weights onto the chip at initialization. Because we are a single line of code that is Torch compatible (hence HF compatible), every other part of the codebase shouldn't change.

I've not but that sounds cool! I would point out though, in terms of mind share, how memorable, and how relatable and useful the products are: it might help to have ways that directly show the application for the kinds of people buying GPUs for inference and training or using cloud for this that would love to not have to fight their ATX case in a hot sweaty corner while repeatedly dropping screwdrivers and calculating how much RAM they need to buy for the 405B while llama.cpp is recompiling again... I think people would throw money at that. I'd be happy to listen in or have a chat some time!

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