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I have a feeling that we've developed an economy that's too focused on short term goals and this prevents us from making more success. Short term goals matter, but not at the cost of long term.

I think these are the main problems and why it's hard to tackle. I think they can help prevent issues but I'd like to hear other suggestions:

1) You can't measure maintenance or security benefits the same way as you can measure costs of failures. You can measure the cost it takes to implement, but when you do you can't measure the counterfactual cost of if you hadn't. It's not actualized. But I'm confident maintenance is always cheaper than repairs. Don't fix things that aren't broken, but do fix things before they break. We need to learn the difference.

2) the world is complex and many costs are outsourced and distributed. I like to think of this like the inverse software success. Software is great because once made you can copy it trivialy and distribute it. But the down side is the mistakes propagate too! So something that may only cause a second delay is seen as miniscule but it's not when you consider a hundred million users using it every day. Enshitification is about these little things adding up and accumulating.

3) we avoid slack like the plague. I don't mean slacking off, but slack in the system. You don't make a ship and only have enough lifeboats for exactly the number of passengers. You need more because you can't assume everyone perfectly makes it to the right life boat, especially in an emergency. Covid should have been a real wakeup call but the global economy shouldn't shut down anytime a single ship gets stuck.

4) doing good and quality work has the stability of an inverse pendulum. Most evil and shit isn't caused by malice, it's that it's harder to do good and with longer and more complex tasks it's easier for something to go wrong along the way which then snowballs.

So a big belief I have is trust we need to slow down if we want to speed up. Move fast and best things is great when problem solving but you need to also also go back and clean up all the mess you've left behind. We've become so accustomed to technical debt we aren't even recognizing how much we have.

We can't be just focused on the next quarter. We're in a much more complex world. Even early humans had to plan for winter. I know what I'm asking for is difficult but nothing worth doing is usually easy. All of us have done hard things and continue to do hard things. But importantly, try not to distribute and amplify mistakes. Squash them when they're small. Don't ask for permission, just fix things.

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