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I hate this with a passion and many sites use it like anthropic and clipdrop, I stopped buying credits on Clipdrop because logging in was so annoying. My email is on my phone and I want to access the site on my laptop. This adds so much friction and turns a 5 second task with one to two clicks into a longer than a minute task with many clicks. I emailed anthropic about this and they did added a login with google option but just let us use an email and password please.

Christ, login with Google? I don’t have a Google account either. Why can’t they just have a username/password like the rest of the world?

WELL FUCK YOU TOO! - jk, I agree. Password option should be there still for saving sessions and avoiding this crap beyond the first registration (if you remember password), but I just meant this should be the baseline expectation of login flow. Oneclick google/facebook/etc too, despite those being an extra level of corporate data hell

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