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That means you're a bad person.

Why? I'm not OP, but I'm honestly asking.

Is it immoral to, for instance, design a "planned city" to be as boring as possible in order to not attract thrill-seekers?

Now, mind you, I'm asking solely about design. There would be no enforcement of any kind. No "we don't want your kind here". Nothing like in the opening to First Blood.

Just boring AF. Everything closes at 8pm excluding a few bars and restaurants. Lots of playgrounds, good schools, and walking paths to attract a population of young families with children.

It's not a problem for architecture to solve, it's a problem for the society to solve.

Architects can just move those people somewhere else.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I also don't see what's "bad" or immoral about the example I outlined above.

FWIW, it's not hypothetical. I'm more-or-less describing Columbia, MD which is wedged midway between Washington DC and Baltimore.

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