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> if you allocate in an inner loop you have to free in that inner loop and the bookkeeping kills throughput

I wonder if there's anything that automatically defers collection within a loop and collects the garbage after the loop is exited. Something like Obj-C's old @autoreleasepool but inserted automatically. Static analysis has gotten so fancy that that might not be a terrible idea once you work out all the nuances (e.g. what if the loop is too short, nested loops, what happens when your entire program is a loop like game loops, etc). Could be the best of both worlds.

But generally I think it turns out that in refcounted GC systems you end up just knowing to not allocate/free in your hot loop or if you're doing it in a loop then it's probably not the thing your hot loop is dominated by.

Generational GC - particularly with escape analysis - can make those temp objects just slightly more expensive than stack allocation.

The odd thing about GenGC is that it punishes you for trying to recycle old objects yourself. You create much more pressure to scan the old generation by doing so, which is expensive. If you have the available memory it’s often better to build a new object and swap it for the retained reference to the old one at the end when you’re done (poor man’s MVCC as well if the switch takes a couple context switches to finish)

Any tracing GC, conservative or precise, generational or not, already does this. Hinkley is wrong about what "conservative" and "precise" mean.

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