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Assuming that on-heap objects are tracked precisely, the maximum number of objects conservative stack scanning can incorrectly consider as roots is O(stack size) (with, in practice, a tiny constant factor, from excluding actual intentional references and frequently-changing or trivial non-reference values).

The only way for the total amount of leaked memory to grow is by replacing something else on the stack, which releases whatever was there before, and, assuming there's some maximum stack size, there's a finite amount of such space.

End result being that, even if you have some code path that generates an integer that looks like a reference, it can only leak one object (which could be massive perhaps, but with generational GC or similar there's no guarantee of all garbage being GC'd at any single GC anyway); if codegen clears stack slots upon their lifetime ending, you need one such integer-holding frame to be on the stack for every object you want to be leaked.

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