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Linux didn't support per-monitor fractional scaling until fairly recently. I only got it after I changed to Wayland about a year ago (not sure if X supports it these days), and then it turns out Wayland doesn't support color profile (or at least that's what I learned from random Reddit posts).

So I guess I could either go back to X and have uncomfortably large letters or stick with Wayland and tolerate slightly off colors. Yay.

The IME shows Korean characters in slightly wrong size whenever I type and gvim keeps throwing UI error messages in the console. At least it allows the input to go through, so I guess it's fine?

Hibernation used to work, and then stopped working for about two years, and then started working again after the latest upgrade. No idea why, I'm not gonna question the system when it works.

(BTW, I think the last time I had to worry about IME or hibernation in Windows or Mac was about twenty years ago.)

not a fan of linux font/text rendering either. doesn't look too bad on my 4k but the 1080p monitor is unusable for me. fonts also look so airy and thin, and white on black looks weird as well.

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