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In my view the importance of email is the provide communication between two consenting parties. This function has been co-opted by those entities that have another interest. Google uses gmail in order to enhance it's business. MS is the same. Then there are mailing list companies who have made a business from sending millions of emails.

In the current email system who represents the interests of the common user? Not gmail. Not mailchimp. I'm not saying they are bad, just that their interests are not my interests.

So perhaps the right thing is to add a layer to email that provides common users control. Email servers that provide consensual service can talk to each other. Not a white list, a trust list. Otherwise just use gmail.

How to do this? If you send a non-consensual mail, you pay a fine. A way for mail providers to make money by improving the basic function of common users.

I'm just making this up, I'm sure you can come up with a better system. Or perhaps you can help me understand whether the purpose is valid or not?

> If you send a non-consensual mail, you pay a fine.

Spam is already illegal, but spammers don't pay a fine because good luck actually finding them.

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