That headline is a wild extrapolation from the actual study. They showed that in mice a species of bacteria can travel from the olfactory nerve into the brain which results in the production of amyloid protein. The olfactory epithelium is 7cm inside your nose. You are the nose-picking champion of the world if you can get your booger-hook that deep.
Why is this flagged? It tracks with other research stating that persistent diseases (In this case chlamydia) are a potential risk factor. It's already been determined that herpes is one of these [1] , then the research on gingivitis being a huge risk factor as well [2]. I could absolutely see other bad hygeine habits like not brushing your teeth on the same line of risk as picking your nose
"The olfactory nerve in the nose is directly exposed to air and offers a short pathway to the brain, one which bypasses the blood-brain barrier. It’s a route that viruses and bacteria have sniffed out as an easy one into the brain."