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Yes, using push notifications in their own apps to all of California to pass a state statutory initiative was a fascinating and impressive use of power. Low cost for them too.

It’s even more fascinating that said amendment only exempted gig economy works, which AB5 was crafted to specifically reign in - whole codifying a surprise 2018 court ruling for easier compliance.

Its still worth nothing that the legislature itself has also exempted many other trades since then.

And the 9th circuit just ruled that this doesnt violate the 14th amendment to exclude them. So AB5, AB2257, Prop 22 are all constitutional and in force.

I would like to see push notifications role in political outcomes more regulated.

I would like to see the 2018 case overturned if thats whats necessary to re-evaluate what AB5 aimed. The same simple majority of California citizens can do that.

> Yes, using push notifications in their own apps to all of California to pass a state statutory initiative was a fascinating and impressive use of power. Low cost for them too.

How is it different from sending texts? Texts are also very cheap: https://aws.amazon.com/sns/sms-pricing/

Push notifications partially use your own server and apps stand out more than a spammy sms

> partially use your own server

I don't see the significance of this, but you can go on Amazon's console and type in a message to send just like with SMS'es. But I don't see how this makes a difference.

> and apps stand out more than a spammy sms

I'm not sure this is the case. App notifications are typically stacked behind each other under a long list of notifications on the home screen, while SMS's are shown prominently in the same texting app that people use to text their friends and family. Texts are also read out by Siri automatically while using headphones or while connected to a car, which is not true of push notifications.

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