Well, the infosec industry itself is an existential threat to sane, responsive software for power users without the cult of safetyism, so it is potentially still a net win.
If your program eats all computer resources given specific inputs, is this a DoS vulnerability, simply a bug or even expected behaviour? It depends.
Is Spectre a vulnerability? Even that depends on what code you run and on which machine.
The reason your salary is going up is because there is no sensible access control management and sensible threat model for software. Can we know in which circumstances some software (or CPU) will be used? Can we assume who the users are? No, we can't because there are billions of computers out there and, thus, billions of different use-cases. And we all have to suffer from slower execution because someone wants to expose access to their machine through a multi-tenant single-process cloud environment or whatnot.
Practice this transition :) -> :| Maybe throw in a sigh or a smirk or something. Know that no matter what the reason for or against a change is, you should be able to find a reason why it improves or harms security
But jokes aside its mostly about realising that when you consider all aspects of computing its such a wide, deep field that no one, no matter how much of a "power user" they think they are, will ever do things perfectly, and mistakes add up over time until one day Validimir Hackowski is running bitcoin miners in your AWS account. Then you find one aspect or more of computing and investigate the infosec fields that help find those bugs/mistakes and fix them. I like websec and linux/windows config security, myself, all of which is in high demand.
First develop some level of loathing and disgust at the state of all software. Let this fuel your desire to break it. Then learn to build it securely. Then market yourself as a security engineer. PROFIT!
As someone who has been doing "software" for about 30 years now, I completely agree with this. The only people I know who are good at what they do, do it because they use the hatred and disgust of the state of things as fuel for the fire. Optimism and anything similarly airy-fairy doesn't burn as well.
To be fair, I have been in offensive security and security engineering for like 18 years now. I genuinely have an optimistic outlook. But some days the rage wins and I hack/build in anger lol. I tame it. It is fleeting. The mission matters more to me in the long run. And security engineering as practiced in many big tech style firms genuinely matters and makes a holistic difference for users and everyone. It isn’t perfect, but it is way better than 18 years ago.