It's grim at INTC but don't forget the CHIPS act and whatever else will follow that. The US government spends 0.5T per month - more than the market cap of all but the top 15 American companies [0] [1]
Not saying it's a good or bad idea, or that it will or won't happen - but if the US government decides to reinvent Intel, they can easily write a cheque that (if spent wisely) might do the trick.
Intel is underserving of this investment and the chips act has no teeth to ensure that they follow through and build these facilities and create jobs. They will not follow through and spend the money wisely and that was clear from the moment that bill was drafted.
>It's grim at INTC but don't forget the CHIPS act and whatever else will follow that. ... if the US government decides to reinvent Intel, they can easily write a cheque that (if spent wisely) might do the trick.
I suspect the result of the CHIPS money going to Intel would be Starliner from Intel (btw, Starliner did meet all the development milestones set by the government, yet here we're). Rotten overbloated corporate managerial bureaucracy can digest any amount of money you throw at it, and it will make it only more rotten and overbloated.
Because you shouldn’t reward bad investors. Just wiping their debt without changing all of management will just result in the same problem in 10 years.
Better for Intel to sell off chunks to competent companies either voluntarily or through bankruptcy.
Because then it couldn't be a morally - now literally - bankrupt company that is nothing more than a shell of the existing company large enough that it being a complete puppet company of the neo-industrial intelligence apparatus is not a viable idea to anyone but the most extreme of Bell-end dwellers.
Not saying it's a good or bad idea, or that it will or won't happen - but if the US government decides to reinvent Intel, they can easily write a cheque that (if spent wisely) might do the trick.