Debian uses AppArmor by default, probably because of the Canonical influence (there are more Debian developers and maintainers paid by Canonical than by RedHat).
But you can run Debian with SELinux (as well as with other LSMs, MACs, etc like Tomoyo).
At my last jobs, we disabled any of SELinux, AppArmor and Auditd on Debian/Ubuntu, just for the sake of performance. And we never detected any security issue for our usage and requirements. So I'm not an expert in this field.
Not sure what the purpose of the article, or the whole blog, is. You want to influence the choosing of Debian Vs RHEL Vs Oracle Linux in some place? As I'm not sure, will stop here.
Debian uses AppArmor by default, probably because of the Canonical influence (there are more Debian developers and maintainers paid by Canonical than by RedHat).
But you can run Debian with SELinux (as well as with other LSMs, MACs, etc like Tomoyo).
At my last jobs, we disabled any of SELinux, AppArmor and Auditd on Debian/Ubuntu, just for the sake of performance. And we never detected any security issue for our usage and requirements. So I'm not an expert in this field.
Not sure what the purpose of the article, or the whole blog, is. You want to influence the choosing of Debian Vs RHEL Vs Oracle Linux in some place? As I'm not sure, will stop here.