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Iran Emerges as a Top Disinformation Threat in U.S. Presidential Race (nytimes.com)
7 points by howard941 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Polarization is path to instability.

Did they print this just to overshadow Tenet Media indictment today?



Tim Pool and other right wingers paid directly by kremlin to sow dissent and bat for Trump.

Hmmm, is it credible that Iran is trying to undermine US democracy and support for Israel with misinformation published on the "Savannah Time" - “your trusted source for conservative news and perspectives in the vibrant city of Savannah"?

Obviously a New York Times article claiming that Iran is spreading misinformation on an obscure local website is enormously more impactful: how many US citizens will be pushed to taking a side opposite to Iran (therefore pro Trump and pro Israel) by the news of this manipulation attempt? Of course, you would need a refined actor to pull something like this, an actor with advanced hacking abilities and a lot of credence in the media...

Misinformation about misinformation from the NYT

Iran has no horse to back in the US Presidential Election. You can put Iran at the bottom of the list of state actors which has the ability to influence US foreign policy, regardless of whether Biden, Harris, Trump or Kermit the Frog is in the White House. This is simply a routine hit piece on a country which is a perpetual target of regime change.

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