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> What is the fuss around Brazil? Why this is not just another day with business as usual?

The orders in Brazil were issued in secret. X couldn't even show that the accounts were withheld by legal demand. Turkey government is considered authoritarian by most where in Brazil the waters are still shallow.

Read @AlexandreFiles.

I suppose if Twitter still had a legal representative there, they would have been involved. But hey, somebody decided not to keep that office, so here we are.

Musk said employees were threatened with jail.

Maybe the company should just stop doing illegal stuff?

Moraes orders were illegal and went against the letter, the tradition and the spirit of the laws.

Said who? Any criminal will say that what they do is justified and legal and all. Only justice will officially decide on that and here justice decided, whether somebody (you, me, twitter) likes it or not. There's always the appeal path, and if all exhausted and I still don't like it, well, there. And honestly I can't even begin to understand the blue-eyed logic behind "I don't like a legal decision so I will not respect it and expect impunity"

> Said who? Any criminal will say that what they do is justified and legal and all.

The scans from the secret court ordes published by X on @AlexandrFiles. Note, if these are fabrications why haven't the STF denied their content? It's not just talk, evidence was presented.

> Only justice will officially decide on that and here justice decided, whether somebody (you, me, twitter) likes it or not.

You're assuming the rule of law as a premise which isn't the case. This is a heavily politicized case from a judge that is know to be political. Would you have a different opinion if this was a Russian judge instead of Brazilian judge?

> There's always the appeal path, and if all exhausted and I still don't like it, well, there.

There's no way to appeal to an independent court/judge. The appeal is judged by the supreme court and the other judges have strong incentives to not go against their colleague.

What do you mean by "blue-eyed logic"? Do you really need to put race in eveything?

> "I don't like a legal decision so I will not respect it and expect impunity"

What's your instace on Lula being arrested for corruption? What's your instance on leftists invading and setting fire to public buildings in Brazilian in 2006?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlC3xO1KOBE (news from state TV)

Damn, let's be honest! It's beyond censorship! It's an authoritarian judge censoring congressman and random people on X (one account had 50 followers) because he is personally angered by some posts. If he's addicted to social media and that was taking a toll on his mental health he could've used LeechBlock NG or NextDNS. No need to block it for everyone just because you can or to harass an unrelated company because one of the owners pissed you off.

If it was in Russia I wouldn't like it either but also I wouldn't dream of not complying - which is the whole point here.

that's not true, everything that is happening is according with the brasilian law, our juditiary is mostly right wing, moraes was appointed by a righ wing president in 2016 and current one is from a oposite left wing party, we are a mostly functional democracy with a real separation between government branches, the issue her is only a matter of comply with existing laws

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