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Yes, I am a Brazilian. That has no bearing on truth claims, though.

Why do you have to intentionally misrepresent things (lie)?

Flávio Dino (Appointed by Lula) Cármen Lúcia (Appointed by Lula) Cristiano Zanin (Appointed by Lula) Luiz Fux (Appointed by Lula)

These are the only ones that voted.

A ruling of a court - even the highest court of the land - does not make something law. Courts get things wrong all the time.

>A ruling of a court - even the highest court of the land - does not make something law.

Isn't that precisely how common law legal systems work? There is a law but its definition isn't strictly that of what the books say but rather the judicial precedents made in relation to it?

If you don't follow the rulings of courts you get arrested under their jurisdiction. I don't understand how this is controversial.

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