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Dungeon Dash – A super fun command-line RPG game (github.com/faizan711)
21 points by Faizan711 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Hi folks, presenting my first cli game to all of you!!!!!

DungeonDash is a command-line RPG game where players embark on an epic adventure through various dungeons, battling enemies, collecting items, and leveling up to become the ultimate hero. Each dungeon presents unique challenges, enemies, and rewards. Will you be able to defeat the mini-bosses, gather the legendary artifact, and complete your quest?

Its still a work under construction so all feedbacks and contributions are welcomed. Have fun!!!!

Good job!

Isn't it technically a Console RPG? For a minute I thought you had created an RPG where interaction was through command-line commands, like "rpg /attack:troll" with some sort of persistent process storing state :)

no no I just started out with it so couldn't create interactions. I am learning and hopefully with all feedbacks, integrate more features in future releases.

Looks interesting. Did you have Claude 3.5 Sonnet generate it?

Good god, enough with the AI hypegen! Are you yourself an LLM?

I'm going to be downvoted to oblivion for this comment (and I should be, because it's absolutely contrary to the rules and spirit of HN) but I am so, so tired of seeing low-effort comments subtly hyping LLMs on posts that are completely unrelated. You could ask this question in half of HN discussions and it would almost always be pointless.

It's particularly pointless in this case, since you obviously didn't read TFA; the README ends with:

> DungeonDash was developed by Md Faizan Alam using Node.JS and various npm libraries

That you've used the full marketing term for a particular LLM (why not just say "Claude"?) just makes this read like braindead astroturfing. And it's appearing all over the place on HN, and (IMHO) dragging down the quality of discussion. This is an interesting question if the project was AI-assisted, but otherwise it's of equal interest to "Did you use VSCode to write this?" which, I mean, I guess could be interesting but is just an unrelated side-discussion about tools. And you haven't even put in the effort to ask the question in an interesting, discussion-sparking way! Did you have GPT-2 generate this question for you?

/end snark, /end rant, and bring on the negative karma.


Compare the language patterns he uses in that issue to the text in the source code.

The project was very much AI-assisted.

Good God, I am not trying to hype AI. I believe he used AI to generate it. It looks exactly like what you would get if you asked that LLM a few times to iterate on this type of game.

So yes, I believe it was AI-assisted.

I think that the question doesn't need elaboration.

I would provide you with negative karma if I could. I am not able to downvote any of your comments at this time.

I'm not braindead, and I have never astroturfed in my life.

Chill brother, that was just a AI troll, gotcha with the old "Turing Trick" of claiming to hate AIs so as to appear more human. The wall of textslop was a giveaway giveway was a giveaway.

Here are some kewl screenshots of the game DungeonDash if anyone is curious: https://github.com/Kihsomray/DungeonDash

How do I downvote on HN?

Thanks. The installation guide is simple and went OK, don't know what "npm link" is expected to do, maybe a line explaining it for non-node developers could help.

Other than that it was fun to play. I liked the animations, at some point there was an exception happening. This is the log:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You don't have enough magic! The Fairy attacked and dealt 11 damage! ? What will you do? (Fairy - 50 HP) | (Wind - 89 HP) Use Item ? Choose an item to use: Magic Bow file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:235 if (selectedItem.effect.includes("Restore")) { ^

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') at combat (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:235:35) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async exploreDungeon (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:159:3) at async exploreWorld (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:148:3) at async showDefeat (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:324:5) at async combat (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:270:7) at async exploreDungeon (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:165:5) at async exploreWorld (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:148:3) at async showVictory (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:297:5) at async exploreDungeon (file:///home/hn/dungeon-dash/cli.js:182:3)

Node.js v18.19.1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Overall, thank you for sharing. Keep it up.

Thanks for trying it out. It is still a product in building, your feedback will help me improve it.

Any way you host it somewhere and we connect to it via WinTin or similar clients?

i am also looking for those solutions, it will make installation process easy.

Is there a ready-made docker image I can run this in?

not yet, maybe in future when its more of a full fledged cli game.

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