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GPD Duo (gpd.hk)
27 points by 112233 19 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I've purchased and used a number of the GPD products and even contributed to the Arch Linux wiki on the various small caveats of the devices. They generally have good (community) linux support quickly after launch. Build quality is decent as well.

If you're looking to get any GPD device, it's best to wait a few months after launch and they will be on the used market for a decent discount. Lots of early adopters buy these and ditch them because they aren't flawless, but they make fun toys.

If you want another screen in a portable setting, there are tons of portable monitors out there, many powered and driven entirely over USB-C. I found a 2k option on Amazon for ~$100, it's about as thin and even lighter than the macbook air I use it with. Works great.

This seems unwieldy and pricey for a gimmick that may not be easily serviceable.

If you look at their previous devices this company's whole shtick is having weird, quirky, or niche features. The MicroPC had a dedicated serial port on a device released in the 2010s. People often buy these devices for the whimsical nonsense they do.

believe me, i wish the portable monitor setup thing is solved. yeah you can put it on the desk next to a monitor, but the best case scenario is you still have a cable going out to it, and packing is a hassle. A complete setup like this or a folding-screen laptop (like Lenovo ones) is much easier.

I know it's almost impossible but I wish Apple does this. Or somebody can tack on the MBA motherboard with a custom display assembly.

This is solved, for me... the monitor slides right into my backpack next to the MBA. It's about as thick, and only slightly wider/longer as it's a 15" monitor.

The cable I use is a6' USB-C cable. The monitor is both powered and driven off of the MBA whether or not I have that plugged into the wall.

I was thinking the same thing. There are OLED USB-C monitors on Amazon for dirt cheap that are light if a little fragile.

Would you mention some portable OLED models that are well made and dirt cheap? Was looking for such a thing before, right now I do not see anything below €400 on german Amazon. There are some "keyboard smash" random character string brands that do look shady.

OLED is probably what's going to blow out the price. The monitor I mentioned is IPS, and I guess I don't know what I'm missing.

One of my favorite macOS features is that it has built in support to use my iPad Pro as a second monitor on the go.

I strongly dislike state of that feature. They do not allow portrait orientation for no apparent reason, touchbar does not work for apps on main screen... But it is super convenient so I keep trying to use it

I kinda doubt they're supposed to advertise support for macOS on there, even in VMWare.

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