Do managers focus on tactical goals? Or do the engineers do that? Managers are more like the glue of the system, they don’t really provide much value besides that.
In the enterprise, the cost of failure to ones career/reputation is unreasonably high.
pg's reference to "most skillful liars in the world" stuck out to me.
The extreme conservatism employed by managers to prevent failure - can only be summed up as "success at any cost". The consequence is decisions that spread the pain far and wide.
Unfortunately, these managers are not accountable for these consequences.
It's no winder that solutions take longer, cost more, are sub-optimal at almost every level. Furthermore, they very painful for the poeple who have to suffer these solutions.
But hey, some unrelated manager-chain can claim success.
The worst of it is, these managers rinse-and-repeat at their next gig!