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I understand these things.

If a Raspberry Pi draws 200 mA for one hour, I think it's reasonable to say it has drawn 200 mAh.

It is not reasonable, because you did not specify enough information for the reader to draw that conclusion.

> Pi 2 and 3 typically sit at 200 mAh and 230 mAh

200mAh? Over the course of an hour? A day? A fortnight? Just one time, to kickstart the internal perpetual particle accelerator and continue infinitely without additional input? The phraseology used could have specified this information, but it did not do so.

One may wish these units would mean something other than what they do mean, but reality is simply not that way.

We aren't generally free to invent our own scientific nomenclature, or at least we aren't free to do so if effective and meaningful communication is a goal.

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