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Stock is down almost 25% afterhours (not sure if due to this or their earnings call)

"'We had a slower start to the year with the volume of customer commitments impacted by segmentation changes that we made at the beginning of the year, which are taking longer than expected to settle. We have been taking steps to address this, but it will impact our revenue this year,' said Ash Kulkarni, Chief Executive Officer, Elastic."

So, whatever that means, is the answer to your question.

I guess it's better to have nerds fighting about licensing filling up the Internet instead of people talking about why there's a 25% decline in the share price :)

A sales org change caused 25% share price drop. Someone made a big mistake

Segmentation changes probably means more companies are in the "not interested" segment now than we'd like. We're going to throw a load of stuff at the wall this year to see what sticks.

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