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Jsonifier, the Fastest and a New JSON Parsing/Serializing Library, in C++ (github.com/realtimechris)
2 points by realtimechris 23 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Here is a json parser/serializer that I've been working on for about a year or so now. There is benchmarks available at https://github.com/RealTimeChris/Json-Performance comparing it to the other 2 most performant C++ parsers/serializers. Let me know what you think! Cheers!

Congrats. Will check it out. What is special about your parser? Any high level design/architecture decisions that you can share? From your graphs, it seems to perform much better than simdjson which seems to be SOA in C++ land.

It has reflection for the member names as well as compile-time hash maps for storing the locations to be parsed into/serialized from.

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