Recently two friends of mine were speaking and one of them said "it's too woke now" in reference to something in media. While his words were not explicit, I understood that he was speaking about the tendency of certain media to insert dialogue or scenes that reference the current liberal social zeitgeist in a meaningless way. He was ultimately saying something like "it's annoying, but in a specifically liberal way."
The other friend said "Dude come on. Don't say that. Therein lies the path of darkness."
I suspect you and my second friend look at the pejorative use of woke as a conservative dog whistle. This conservative whistle warns us of anything related to non-white social issues and non-male gender issues, and it marks these topics as bad.
I tend to agree with my first friend and use the word as he did. I use it to describe situations in which liberal ideals on social issues are being raised, but there's no actual meaningful action or thought involved. It's just a tool to bludgeon people with. "You can't say that. You're bad." "You can't think that. You're bad."
What does it mean to you exactly? What do you feel is festering?
If we're letting young men down, I think it's by assuming that they are too stupid to form an opinion and too terrible to not be intrinsically wicked. You see a super villain origin. I see an opportunity to ask the author "what do you mean by woke?" Given the tone of the article, I suspect he has yet another definition. Probably something related to the suppression of the edginess and dark humor associated with "weird people."
Recently two friends of mine were speaking and one of them said "it's too woke now" in reference to something in media. While his words were not explicit, I understood that he was speaking about the tendency of certain media to insert dialogue or scenes that reference the current liberal social zeitgeist in a meaningless way. He was ultimately saying something like "it's annoying, but in a specifically liberal way."
The other friend said "Dude come on. Don't say that. Therein lies the path of darkness."
I suspect you and my second friend look at the pejorative use of woke as a conservative dog whistle. This conservative whistle warns us of anything related to non-white social issues and non-male gender issues, and it marks these topics as bad.
I tend to agree with my first friend and use the word as he did. I use it to describe situations in which liberal ideals on social issues are being raised, but there's no actual meaningful action or thought involved. It's just a tool to bludgeon people with. "You can't say that. You're bad." "You can't think that. You're bad."
What does it mean to you exactly? What do you feel is festering?
If we're letting young men down, I think it's by assuming that they are too stupid to form an opinion and too terrible to not be intrinsically wicked. You see a super villain origin. I see an opportunity to ask the author "what do you mean by woke?" Given the tone of the article, I suspect he has yet another definition. Probably something related to the suppression of the edginess and dark humor associated with "weird people."