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I think i read some where (or maybe i heard it on a podcast?) about a user of todo.txt who maintained a separate todo.txt like shared-todos.txt or something which basically was a file which was shared with others to track , well, shared tasks. I think they also incorporated a shared calendar, but can't recall if the calendar and the shared text file were connected manually or automatically (through some bash script). I don't recall any more of the details. But, i guess it is possible, and at least one person does employ this tactic. My assumption there is that any sharing of such a text file would necesitate that all collaborators are text file-centric users too.

This approach is not something that would work for my family...but, maybe i have a friend or 2 (at most!) who could collaborate this way (that is, sharing a text file of ToDos). But, i wonder how annoying it would be to track such a separete file for this? Hmmm. I think at some point the need for multi-person collaboration might break down with only a single text file...and since things likely need to get at least a little more sophisticated, might necesitate more tooling. I guess.

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