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I use this one [0] to run Taskwarrior on Android. It's abandonware but still works well enough for me. Enough for adding, removing, moving and ticking off tasks. I have the TaskWarrior server running on a VPS. Only works with the 2.x versions of TaskWarrior though as that is what is integrated in the app. Both the app and PC sync to the server instance with the Taskwarrior native sync functionality.

Would love to see some proper multi-device support in the latest release. The above setup works in itself. But the app is not being maintained anymore and Android as an OS has moved on. For example the launcher shortcuts for task filters stopped working with some Android update. And I guess Taskwarrior itself has moved on as well with v3. I'm not going to use it though as long as there is no multi-device support.

Oh well. So far I have not been bothered enough to have a go at making it work myself. There are probably as many flavours of Taskwarrior clients as there are users :)

[0] https://bitbucket.org/kvorobyev/taskwarriorandroid/wiki/Home

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