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It's long been believed that an ACL rupture requires surgery as the ligament does not have sufficient blood flow to repair on its own. But then a recent study showed that in a significant percentage of people who suffer ACL ruptures and elect not to have surgery the ligament eventually repairs itself on its own.

Curious about the ACL study... do you have a link handy?

I took DebtDeflation's entire comment and just threw it into Google, as I was also curious:



I know that people can function and even be high-level athletes without an ACL, but I haven't heard of non-surgical repairs outside of specific inteventions (holding the leg at a fixed angle for a few weeks following an injury). I'd be keen to read about this if you have links?

Ah I think I misread the gp comment - I thought there was research about ACLs repairing 'on their own', this looks like the case I've seen where putting the joint at a fixed angle leads to repair.

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