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snani 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite

I see very little information about what is happening here.

Are you self hosting an LLM or sending the data to a third party, your privacy policy makes no reference to this anywhere which is dangerous. Anyone using this needs to know where else their data is going.

By "AI Tools" I am assuming we are just talking about system prompts? System prompts that I assume I could just go to an LLM and ask it to generate this prompt for me.

Also, is this $1 per use of each tool?

I've only seen a handful of prompts that were better than just a few words asking for the result. Although, those prompts were more chains of very creatively asking what result you want.

In other words, I highly doubt this is providing much value.

I hear you! The value is in the flexibility—whether you need simple or complex prompts, it’s all about finding what works best for you.

What kind of AI do you use in your tools?

DollarAi tools leverage major LLM platforms to deliver high-quality and reliable results.

Can't you just tell gpt4 to generate some prompts, estimated number of calls, then slap a $1 tag on it and simply redirect the request to openai at 1/100th the cost?

Hmm, It's not just GPT. DollarAI.Store offers a range of LLMs and tools, each with its own setup and costs. Even with efficient pricing, it’s still a better deal compared to the $20/month for ChatGPT or more than $29/month or yearly subscriptions for tools you might only use a few times. Here You only pay $1 per tool when you need it, which is a huge saving compared to traditional subscription models.

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