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Ask HN: Caught in a platform rewrite civil war, what to expect?
1 point by ask_civil_War 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Long story short, the enterprise I work with has been undergoing a large platform rewrite to a new monolith. The project started over 2 and a half years ago with new leadership who basically hired a bunch of new people who do the same jobs as the existing engineers but for the new platform and with new titles.

Fast forward today and the platform "works" but it doesn't scale. Developer productivity is slow, it's hard to make changes, and everything seems over abstracted. The company put a pause on working on the old platform except for exceptional bug fixes, but they recently just launched new projects on the old platform using only parts of the new platform (whereas the original goal was to have everything new).

So this seems like a typical two systems story. Does anyone have any stories to share in the trenches of being in similar situations? I'd like some high level visibility from shared experiences in terms of what to expect, timeline, etc.

I think it's just going to be hell from here on out until either one side or the other gives up or leadership gets replaced. Buckle in for a rough ride =/

This is what happens when leadership has their own grand ideas and doesn't care what happens to the rank-and-file grunts. All you can do is suck it up or move to a different team/dept/company...

to a new monolith?

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