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It wasn't In-Q-Tel; but it was still essentially the CIA. Signal received millions in funding from the Open Technology Fund, an investment wing of Radio Free Europe, an organization founded as a CIA propaganda front.


Citation needed?


Agreed, it's a fact that any US corporation will not be allowed to run lest they give the gov access to the data they hold (cref lavabit). I've never really understood the trust given to Signal in the tech community when a hard identity is required (phone #) and it immediately asks you to send your whole contact list to them on first run.

We know from Snowden that metadata about who is communicating with whom, and when, is one of their most valuable data streams. While signal may not be able to turn over the contents of your messages, they absolutely retain a rich stream of metadata.

You mean the telephone contacts / contact list stored in iCloud and Google cloud? Probably it’s a hard problem to solve and this, using the sgx is signals best guess of an acceptable approach. I think the nsa has simpler ways to access the data in question than through signal.

> they absolutely retain a rich stream of metadata.

* they absolutely receive a rich stream of metadata.

You raise an interesting point. In the case of Intel's SGX feature, can you propose how they might do this?

Users can generate key pairs themselves, once, and the public keys can be used to sign architectural enclaves post factum. Each enclave's cryptographic hash of the contents is only generated then.

This way, the users are only as secure as they want to be. The code would need to be signed using each one's public key, but we're talking about specialised software here.

Compare this to the de facto standard, where US corporations hold the private keys to everything hardware (off the top of my head, processor, UEFI) and everything software (SSL root keys, IP addresses, DNS).

We already have libpairip and play integrity on android, let's not bring it over to desktop processors.

> Please don't use Hacker News for political or ideological battle. That tramples curiosity.


You can't prove the reverse

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