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> ~40% of annual pregnancies (both US and international) are unintended

how many are unwanted though? unintended doesn't necessarily have the negative connotation that /r/childfree folks make it out to be.



> 64% of young women say they just don't want children, compared to 50% of men.

Unfortunately, the dataset for unintended pregnancies doesn’t also ask if it was unwanted, leaving us to infer preferences via various datasets.

To be fair, even if 5% are unwanted I would think this is a good investment of effort. I have no data though

Sure, honestly I have no problem with people wanting to sterilize themselves, although I do somewhat support the idea that what you want at a younger age isn't necessarily what you want at a later point in your life, so sterilization should be handled at least somewhat seriously.

That said, I do take umbrage with people using suspicious statistics in unusual ways to push an agenda. If your cause is just, there is no need to use misleading statistics to inflate its importance. I argue this for causes I support as well as those I don't support.

I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, I feel you’ve expressed your views very well. I especially like

> If your cause is just, there is no need to use misleading statistics to inflate its importance.

I absolutely love this, and appreciate you calling it out. We need more of this.

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