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The article says run a startup in San Francisco, yet it uses stats for the entire bay area. In one example, a founder says, “So I’m back full time-ish to the SF Bay Area. As, often quietly, are so many leaders and execs I’ve known for years.”

So are they actually moving to SF city, or just some place in the bay area?

As someone who lives in the deep south bay, communing to SF is out of the question as it would take an hour+ to do one-way. I also just don't like SF in general.

> So are they actually moving to SF city, or just some place in the bay area?

Your question is completely valid and misses what the bay is.

It's not SF or San Jose, or Oakland or the North or East bay... its all of it.

Depending on your politics you will hear SF is either gritty or beautiful. The reality is that is has always been both... Zodiac Killer, Patty Hearst, Jim Jones... LSD culture... The founding of the valley (hardware) and software (BSD, Ingress(all the work of stone breaker), Burning man, The first dot com Bubble... the resurgence of tech while the mortgage market burned.

Move to the bay, move around the bay, at some point you will find a place to call home, and people to be your "tribe".

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