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> areas with concentrations of talent in [insert field] outperform

Outperform in terms of company performance? Company performance per person?

I'd be curious to hear from someone on the hiring side, how hard is it to get someone talented to move out from the SF Bay Area assuming you match compensation?

To run a,startup, you need to run into co-founders, early employees with startup experience or with a right mindset and risk appetite, and into potential investors.

This all works better with face-to-face meetings, weak personal connections that allow to reach the right-looking person you won't otherwise discover, and even serendipitous meetings in environments that tend to attract birds of a feather.

SF, with all its bitter and needless shortcomings as a municipality, is still an excellent place to meet the right people for a startup. Even with the extreme ease of video calling these days, physical proximity has a certain edge.

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