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You misunderstand. In nations with socialized medicine (and this includes the US) there is really only one primary buyer of healthcare products and services.

If that buyer decides your price is too high, you sell around 0 units.

You can often receive these treatments if you wish to pay privately. Only the very wealthy do this, a small market.

Drug companies in the US prefer to sell units at the prices that the buyers in those nations are allowing them VS not selling them at all. That's why they do it. Then turn around and say they can't do the same in the US as it would bankrupt them.

The difference is in the US, Medicaid is quite happy to pay prices that are multiples of what other nations are paying. They sort of pretend this is all some sort of accident or due to some complexity that you wouldn't understand but it's just theft.

If your point is that the US government is tantalizingly close to being able to throw its weight around and drop healthcare prices a bunch with only minimal changes in policy and law, due in large part to its very-high spending on healthcare, but is just choosing not to, I agree.

[edit] apologies if I’ve misunderstood, though—the above is not intended as one of those “rephrase your point into something you definitely weren’t saying” sarcastic things people do sometimes, I’m really trying to follow along.

If you look at the investment portfolios of politicians you'll quickly understand why there is no interest in using Medicare to reduce prices. Watch a single commercial break during the nightly news to understand why they will never cover it, drug companies are half their advertisers (more worrying a quarter of them sell bombs)

Reimports of drugs produced in the United States back from Canada are prohibited for safety reasons. You know because those Canadians are famous for tampering with drugs for unclear reason and benefit. It's all a farce.

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