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If you don’t like it, stop using US-made products. :)

This is not how European market operates.

As a consumer, I can't visit every factory to check if the pasta isn't tainted with lead, if the chicken meat isn't full of antibiotics and hormones and if the webapp I am using isn't selling my data.

We have market regulations for reasons. Companies that won't comply should be punished and if it's a repeatable offence they should lose a license to operate in EU.

After you stop using China-made products (https://www.foxconn.com/en-us) made using Taiwan-made products (https://www.tsmc.com/english) made using Dutch-made products (https://www.asml.com/en).

\s, I hope? Not using US-made products is basically impossible in the modern world.

It’s really not. It’s just inconvenient.

There's Bolt where I am from, they are an Estonian company and have better and cheaper services than Uber.

Fair point; I should have clarified I wasn't really talking about Uber, specifically, but about American products (e.g. Windows and MacOS) in general :)

Open source is (usually) free. I’m just saying, if they really wanted to, other countries could build their own shit. They just don’t. :)

The following example isn't a tech product, but it demonstrates the outrageous anticompetitive practices some of these monopolies engage in to suffocate people who are just building their own shit:

Chokepoint Capitalism with Cory Doctorow - FACTUALLY Podcast: https://youtu.be/vluAOGJPPoM?si=zuezwnlUHhuoQFNt&t=2668

Or, how about, if US companies don’t like EU regulations, don’t make money from EU residents. :)

I urge you to read "Technofeudalism" by Yanis Varoufakis or "The Internet Con" by Cory Doctorow to appreciate why this is extremely difficult for consumers and entrepreneurs, and not just an inconvenience.

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