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I don’t think this kind of « threat thinking » is true. « We find ways to steal from you and it’s still good for you because otherwise you will be left behind without us ». It’s kinda feels like bullying to me

It's called Colonialism

This is an unconventional usage of "theft" in the "you wouldn't steal a car?" way.

Could you explain how the Uber drivers are worse off due to their data being in the USA?

Well, they are UE citizens (at least a chunk of it).

Following your reasoning, then the whole legislation is moot, and all European citizens data should be sifoned in the US without anyone complaining, because "hey, I'm in the UE so you cannot touch me", no?

I'm mostly objecting to the terminology.

If what they do with data is not "theft" then why this there US laws and contracts to regulate and authorize the use of datas every time I use a new US based service, app, game ? As we see from LLMs, data has value, sometimes probably more than a car. And if it’s worthless, why Uber took the risk in the first place ?

It’s not from us to explain why would drivers be worse. It’s from the one who took the datas to explain why would drivers be better. Because if they would have been better I guess Uber would have done a marketing campaign around it to talk about the benefits instead of doing it this way without anyone noticing.

Not theft indeed, but copy/use of data without consent. How are they worse:

They are now at risk if there is a data leak in the USA. There are higher fines for data leaks in Europe, so they aren't as well protected as before

Do you mind sending us all US citizens’ data? Just a copy, that is.

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