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That has no connection to who does or doesn't make messaging apps.

Of course it has. They had to wait until Durov went to EU, if it was an EU company they could pressure them immediately and continually.

New messaging apps from inside the EU neither make it easier nor harder to imprison visiting billionaires from outside the bloc who violated local law with the messaging apps they wrote abroad.

In much the same way that the mere existence of Dropbox doesn't preclude the USA from prosecuting Kim Dotcom.

Messaging apps from EU make it easier to imprison the EU-based owners and employees, and thus easier to control the platform.

If Dotcom was in the US he would be in prison for a decade. It's a huge difference.

> Messaging apps from EU make it easier to imprison the EU-based owners and employees, and thus easier to control the platform.

Not when "the platform" is from outside the EU, as Telegram is.

For any question along the lines of "is Telegram in breach of legal obligations?" there's zero connection to what any other messaging app does.

If I set up a local company for a local messaging app and local government leans on me about it, that government doing so makes zero difference to an outside company such as Telegram.

> If Dotcom was in the US he would be in prison for a decade. It's a huge difference.

His home was raided in 2012 and he's lost his last battle against extradition despite some intermediate wins about the raid itself.

Indeed, and that's what the EU would be solving with a local platform. They'd be in control of that new local platform, not Telegram.

You seem to think that a new local platform excludes existing platforms, this is now how anything works and would be a fantastic money making strategy if it did.

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