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Experienced teachers likely have it down. Or can just use whatever was done in previous years. But you have set standards changed every 10-20 years at least. And maybe new textbook that has things in bit different order. Or there is some topical thing. Lesson planning is really looking at book and items there thinking how much time going over it with current group takes and then considering what items or things are needed in addition to reach those goals for this lesson.

If you had to make a 1/2 hour presentation/workshop, there is some planning involved even if you can just copy paste the slides and training material.

Okay, I get it now. Lesson plans are something that can only be done on the fly and are more about adapting to things outside the control of the teacher e.g. one lesson took longer due to a disruption in the classroom.

I was wondering why the people who set the curriculum couldn't just make a year's worth of lesson plans and email them to each teacher. Thanks for the explainer (to everyone who replied).

Lesson plans are inherently individual to a teacher. So even if a year’s worth of lesson plans was created and shared, and even if I thought they were good, it would still take non-negligible time for me to absorb them and mentally plan how I was going to use them.

That’s the tip of the iceberg in my attempt to explain the complexity of teaching.

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