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In 2024 it hurts really bad to read all such great news from other nations while sitting in India where industry leaders, startup founders, and politicians are actively trying to impose things like 70 hour work week or so and take away whatever labour protections (which is very little and mostly ineffective and practically none if you are in "corporate") we have and even encroach upon the Sundays and Saturdays (the latter being working for most of the Indian workers anyway).

Oh you're same guy from another thread. You seem like you're on some kind of a mission here. My experience was 100% different than you. You seem to be generalizing from a small sample and paint an entire country with that baseless generalization.

Why would you go this length and do this witch hunting? Do you have some issue in reading other people's views? I have commented this same view twice in different context and you consider that a "mission"? This is a behaviour I have seen so widespread here that it seems like a trend. In fact it's a thing! Go asking on r/india and see how that is. Now that would also be a very small set for you, isn't it? Well, that is definitely orders of magnitude higher than hn when it comes to this particular country. So get a feel there maybe?

Well, what is your mission? Since I mentioned my country's name (which I guess could be yours as well but I am not sure) is this somehow become a "prestige" issue for you?

I don't know whether a tag works here, but @dang is this kind of witch-hunting or attack acceptable here? Or is it rather kosher?

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