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That's why Canada also is one of the worst countries in G8 and maybe the most mediocre countries when it comes to actual startup investment and building something new for the world and growing the share of the pie. On top of that, they have a horrible system where nobody can get a doctor. Everybody has to pay double to get a block of butter and housing is so high that you get a whole neighborhood in the US for that price.

That is why the countries like uk canada and also Europe are incredibly poor.

Class system and anti-innovation.

American here.

I was under the impression that Canadian healthcare was incredible. At least, that's what I've been told for years by randos online.

If you have a serious health problem, you will generally be seen "immediatly" and free of charge.

For the rest, mindset plays a role in the perceived doom in Canada. Conservative talking points only ever focus on the gloom.

Source: am canadian.

Trust me I spent a huge portion of my life there. The reason why I speak so much against Canada these days is because the country is delusional. Nobody wants to take any risks and yet they think things will always fall into place for them.

If you do a global comparison the US is incredibly richer rather than these countries being incredibly poor.

>why the countries like uk canada and also Europe are incredibly poor

They are not that poor if you adjust for cost of living and hours worked. If you look at the Wikipedia thing "GDP per working hour (2019 US$ PPP)" some results are:

Denmark 76

USA 74

Canada 57

Spain 56

UK 54

So the pay isn't that much worse per hour. People probably work a little less over here, maybe because we don't have the whole if you don't work you won't get health cover and will be doomed thing.

Also life expectancy is 76 years in the US vs 84 years in Spain. There's more to life than working all hours then croaking.

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