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Riot: An actor-model multi-core scheduler for OCaml 5 (github.com/riot-ml)
4 points by e3bc54b2 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The creator is a veteran of both Elixir and Ocaml worlds, and is actively building community around the project too[0]. There are also development streams that are pretty educating[1][2]. As a fan of Erlang runtime, but also wanting static types in my code, I've been trying this out and fairly enjoying so far.

There is also Gleam[3] for static types on BEAM, and as beautiful and simple as the language is, its a bit too barebones and the ecosystem is fairly lacking (as expected of a young language). Ocaml has much better story in both, so I naturally found this more fun.

[0] https://media.ccc.de/v/bob11-2024-erlang-ocaml-same-thing-os...

[1] https://www.youtube.com/@leostera_/videos

[2] https://www.twitch.tv/leostera/

[3] https://gleam.run/

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