Feedback: I highly suggest a project rename to something that does not have "sway" in the name. Reading the source it seems like it actully has no dependency, API compatibility, or direct interaction with either Sway, i3, or PaperWM?
Sway and i3 just happen to be the most well-known tiling WMs of the hour. There are a bunch of other tiling WM which seem like they will work just fine with Papersway. The docs make it seem like it should only be expected to work with Sway and i3. The possibility is high that most users will not look beyond the "NAME" section before bouncing if they are not already using either of those two and also already familiar with PaperWM.
Less urgently in the docs, it would be nice to be able to get an rough idea about what the project does and the "pitch" without having the reader research PaperWM first.
Why define it strictly in terms of other projects? Why not be usable with other tiling WMs?
my $wm_ipc_socket = $have_sway ? $ENV{SWAYSOCK} : $ENV{I3SOCK};
my $wmipc = AnyEvent::I3->new($wm_ipc_socket);
$wmipc->connect->recv or die "couldn't connect to WM IPC socket";
(One of the reasons I moved from ratpoison to i3 in the first place was that i3 has this kind of interface, though usually I use i3-msg and jq directly. I'd be curious if there are others like it...)
> This is an implementation of PaperWM-like scrollable window management for Sway/i3wm. If you like Sway/i3wm’s commitments to stability, avoiding scope creep etc. but dislike the window management model, papersway might be of interest.
Feedback: I highly suggest a project rename to something that does not have "sway" in the name. Reading the source it seems like it actully has no dependency, API compatibility, or direct interaction with either Sway, i3, or PaperWM?
Sway and i3 just happen to be the most well-known tiling WMs of the hour. There are a bunch of other tiling WM which seem like they will work just fine with Papersway. The docs make it seem like it should only be expected to work with Sway and i3. The possibility is high that most users will not look beyond the "NAME" section before bouncing if they are not already using either of those two and also already familiar with PaperWM.
Less urgently in the docs, it would be nice to be able to get an rough idea about what the project does and the "pitch" without having the reader research PaperWM first.
Why define it strictly in terms of other projects? Why not be usable with other tiling WMs?