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As someone who knows both languages intimately (written more code in both of those languages than any others), I can't think of any two (non-toy) languages which are more diametrically opposed.

This is deeply cursed and I love it.

In a similar spirit, I have started an experimental go to c++ compiler. But it's not in a usable state at the moment (no gc, imports management is not finished, some syntax are still not managed) and the code is probably quite bad as I'm not used to program in go. (The repo is here: https://github.com/Rokhan/gocpp if anyone interested).

I vaguely remember that the first version of the go compiler compiled into C.

I wonder how Go routines work in this?

They look to be supported:


From the bottom of the README.md file:

> No support for real goroutines, go statements run sequentially

author here: yeah, as someone pointed out already, I could not find a way to make them async. PHP only has Fibers, and they are not sufficient for that.

The next project should be writing a Golang interpreter in JavaScript!

I vote for a JVM written in Perl.


We need Erlang's BEAM interpreter done up in AWK

Horrors beyond comprehension.

Haskell in binary code, but by toggling those switches on the front panel of the machine.

In what a cave of nerds am I in here?! :-D

I vote for Delphi interpreter in 286 assembly.

That's perhaps trivial. There's a Go to JS compiler, and the go compiler itself is written in go.

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