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an FYI-You-should-too -- I am a huge fan of telling claude to give me mermaids and swim diagrams of most of the logic and code I am iterating with.

I like to do the following:

"Review this code and give me a readme, include mermaid, swim diagrams to draw the logic."

Claude is great because it renders the mermaid in the artifact (most times).

then I can copy the mermaid into a mermaidlive (I still havent found the best mermaid site because some of them choke on the mmd output of claude and I dont know how to fix it sometimes...

for example - here is a mermaid where I was looking into how the universities, professors and families of SBF, Holmes and Ellison were tied:


Here is a mermaid of who sits on the agra committees, who funds their campaigns, and who did they make investments into wrt to the sugar lobby:


Having chatbots do mermaids is fn fantastic

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