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What if you plug lets say typical Logitech external keyboard, MacOS literally doesn't support those functionalities? (Windows guy for 30 years too without any Apple experience, the productivity I can get on filesystem stuff just with Total commander compared to literally everybody else in the office is quite something)

Apple's own external keyboard has these missing keys, so I assume they work as on Windows. But they're not available on MacBook keyboard. Truth to be told, Home/End/PgUp/PgDown are also not available on many new Win laptops, but at least separate Delete is always there. And there"s choice, you can always pick up ThinkPad if it's important.

That was just one example of why I don't feel at home on Mac. But TotalCommander must be #1 thing I miss. I investigated several Mac file managers, settled for Crax Commander, but I'm so spoilled by TC that nothing comes close.

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