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The double standards when discussing Linux are ridiculous, every issue people have with Linux must be because they're incompetent and using windows must mean you're fighting the OS every second

It's not a double standard but the simple truth.

It is true, if you are having a problem with Linux 9 time out of 10 it's possible it fix the problem, aka, you are the problem.

My limited experience with paying for an OS means if there's a problem your just out of luck.

> you are the problem.

I wonder if Linux advocates could take a small amount of ownership over the user/customer experience instead of projecting all flaws upon the user. It's an operating system. Most people aren't interested in making it their hobby or full time job.

> ”you are the problem”

This is so true. Whenever the power is out, my neighbors are all outside complaining, ”the power grid doesn’t work!!”

I try to tell them, if your power goes out and you can’t build your own wind turbine, maybe the power grid isn’t the problem.

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